谷璜 校聘副教授












2006.9—2010.6   bevictor伟德官网 生命科学学院   学士

2007.9—2008.6   Beloit College    访问

2010.9---2015.6   北京师范大学 脑与认知科学研究院暨国家重点实验室  博士




2015.7至今 bevictor伟德心理学院 副教授




1. The combined effects of the 5- HTTLPR and HTR1A rs6295 polymorphisms modulate decision making in schizophrenia patients. Genes, Brain and Behavior (IF: 3.708), 2013, 12(1), 一作, Q2

2. Associations between TCF4 Gene Polymorphism and Cognitive Functions in Schizophrenia Patients and Healthy Controls. Neuropsychopharmacology (IF: 8.294), 2013, 38(4), 并列一作, Q1

3. Facial emotion recognition in deaf children: evidence from event-related potentials and event-related spectral perturbation analysis. Neuroscience letters (IF: 3.197), 2019, 703, 一作, Q3

4. Inhibitory Control of emotional interference in children with learning disorders: Evidence from event-related potentials and event-related spectral perturbation analysis. Brain research (IF: 3.61), 2019, 1718, 一作, Q3

5. Effects of parental HIV on telomere length among children in rural China. Health Psychology (IF: 5.556), 2020, 39(7), 共同作者, Q1

6. EEG oscillation evidences of altered resting-state brain activity in children orphaned by parental HIV/AIDS. AIDS care (IF: 2.297), 2020, 32(sup2), 一作, Q3

7. The effect of time management training on time management and anxiety among nursing undergraduates. Psychology, health & medicine (IF: 3.898), 2021, 26(9), 通讯作者, Q2,

8. How Social Power Affects the Processing of Angry Expressions: Evidence From Behavioral and Electrophysiological Data. Frontiers in Psychology (IF: 4.232), 2021, 11, 共同作者, Q1

9. Effect of Executive Function on Event-Based Prospective Memory for Different Forms of Learning Disabilities. Frontiers in Psychology (IF: 4.232), 2021, 12, 共同作者, Q1

10. Working memory impairment in children orphaned by parental hiv/aids: an event-related potentials study. Psychology, Health & Medicine (IF: 3.898), 2021, 通讯作者, Q2

11. Facial Expression Processing of Children Orphaned by Parental HIV/AIDS: A Cross-Sectional ERP Study with Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF: 4.614), 2021, 18(19), 通讯作者, Q1

12. The Role of Leadership Level in College Students’ Decision-Making:Evidence from Event-Related Potential Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology (IF: 4.232), 2021, 12, 通讯作者, Q1

13. EEG Evidence of Altered Functional Connectivity and Microstate in Children Orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Frontiers in Psychiatry (IF: 5.435), 2023, 一作, Q2

14. Inhibitory Control of Emotional Interference in Deaf Children: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials and Event-Related Spectral Perturbation Analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry (IF: 5.435), 2022, 13, 通讯作者, Q2


1. 信任在受艾滋病影响儿童心理弹性与未来取向间的中介作用. 中国特殊教育, 2017, 共同作者, CSSCI

2. 听障儿童认知抑制控制的脑电特点. 心理发展与教育, 2020, 共同作者, CSSCI

3. 农村初中新生社交焦虑与网络成瘾的关系——是否留守的调节作用. 中国特殊教育, 2020, 通讯作者, CSSCI

4. 不同领导力水平大学生在最后通牒博弈任务中的行为研究. 心理研究, 2020, 通讯作者, CSSCI

5. 农村留守初中生亲子亲合与安全感的关系:一项交叉滞后研究. 心理与行为研究, 2021, 共同作者, CSSCI

6. 农村老年人社会参与对老化态度的影响:自我效能感和孤独感的中介作用. 心理科学, 2022, 一作, CSSCI

7. 数学学习困难初中生心理旋转的脑电特点. 心理研究, 2022, 一作, CSSCI