王丽君 副教授


E-mail: wanglijun1118@126.com



? 研究方向











2014.9  2017.6 西南大学心理学部 导师:陈安涛教授     博士

2011.9  2014.6 西南大学心理学部 导师:陈安涛教授     硕士





2017.7-2020.12 bevictor伟德官网教育学科研流动站 师资博士后 导师:赵国祥教授

2021.1-2022.3  bevictor伟德 校聘副教授

2022.3至今    bevictor伟德 副教授




 科研项目


2.主持河南省高校人文社会科学研究一般项目, 2022-ZZJH-449, 社交焦虑对错误后调整效应的影响研究。

3.参与河南省科技攻关项目, 192102310010 , 早期应激诱发艾滋孤儿大脑结构功能变化的神经机制研究。








 发表论文

1. 王丽君,李永鑫,赵国祥*. 社会评价影响错误后调整效应.心理科学,2021444):960-967.

2. Lijun Wang, Yan Gu, Guoxiang Zhao, Antao Chen*. Error-related negativity and error awareness in a Go/no-go task, Scientific Reports, 2020, 10.

3. 王丽君,索涛*,赵国祥*.未意识到错误影响错误后调整的电生理证据. 心理学报, 2020,

52(10): 1189-1198.

4. 张泽昆,黄春花,王丽君*,陈欣. 自我构念在认知和情绪加工中的作用及其生理机制.心理研究,2020, 13(6):512-520.

5. 王丽君,胡学平,索涛,赵国祥,陈安涛*. 脑岛自发神经活动强度可预测个体错误后反

应调整速度, 科学通报, 2019, 64(21): 2207-2215.

6. 王丽君,刘长平,胡学平,陈安涛(2016)警觉水平影响错误后行为适应。科学通报,

2016, 61: 37083717.

7. Wang, L., Chen, J., Yang, Z., Liu, C., Deng, Z., & Chen, A. (2016). Individual differences in the attentional blink: Evidence from the amplitude of low frequency fluctuations in non-blinkers and blinkers. Biological psychology, 114, 33-38.

8. Wang L., Pan W., Tan J., Liu C., Chen A. (2016) Slowing after Observed Error Transfers across Tasks. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0149836.

9. Wang, L., Tan, J., Chen, J., & Chen, A. (2015). The influence of observerssex on attention-demanding performance depends on performerssex. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.

10. Wang, L., Tang, D., Zhao, Y., Hitchman, G., Wu, S., Tan, J., & Chen, A. (2015). Disentangling the impacts of outcome valence and outcome frequency on the post-error slowing. Scientific reports, 5.

11. 王丽君, 徐雷, 伍姗姗, 谭金凤, & 陈安涛. (2013). 错误后减慢理论模型述评. 心理科学进展, 21(3), 418-428.

12.  Jinfeng, T., Shouhang, Y., Lijun, W., Antao, C.*, & Tobias, E*. Processing overlap-dependent distractor dilution rather than perceptual target load determines attentional selectivity. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics201880: 20482059.

13.  Hu, X., Wang, X., Gu, Y., Luo, P., Yin, S., & Wang, L., et al. Phonological experience modulates voice discrimination: evidence from functional brain networks analysis. BRAIN AND LANGUAGE, 2017, 173:67-75.

14.  辛菲,谢超,王丽君,雷旭*. 大尺度脑网络交互支持内外部指向的认知.中国生物医学工程学报,2020.

15. Zhuang Q., Wang L., Tang Y. & Chen A. (2016) Translation of the Fear Reflex into Impaired Cognitive Function: Mediated by Worry. Chinese Science Bulletin24.

16. Gu Y., Hu X., Pan W., Yang C., Wang L., Li Y. & Chen A. (2016) Neural activities underlying the feedback express salience prediction errors for appetitive and aversive stimuli. Scientific Reports6.

17. Wu S., Hitchman, G., Tan, J., Zhao, Y., Tang, D., Wang, L., & Chen, A. (2015). The neural dynamic mechanisms of asymmetric switch costs in a combined Stroop-task-switching paradigm. Scientific reports, 5.

18. Liu C, Chen Z, Wang T, Tang D, Hitchman G, Sun J, Zhao X, Wang L, & Chen A (2015) Predicting Stroop Effect from Spontaneous Neuronal Activity: A Study of Regional Homogeneity. PLoS ONE, 10(5): e0124405.

19. Tan J, Zhao Y, Wang L, Tian X, Cui Y, Yang Q, et al. (2015) The Competitive Influences of Perceptual Load and Working Memory Guidance on Selective Attention. PLoS ONE,10(6): e0129533.

20. Tan J, Zhao Y, Wu S, Wang L, Hitchman G, Tian X, Li M, Hu L and Chen A (2014) The temporal dynamics of visual working memory guidance of selective attention. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8:345.

21.  Pan W, Wang T, Wang X, Hitchman G, Wang L, et al. (2014) Identifying the Components of Emotional Intelligence: Evidence from Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations during Resting State. PLoS ONE, 9(10): e111435.

22.  Zhao, Y., Tang, D., Hu, L., Zhang, L., Hitchman, G., Wang, L., & Chen, A. (2014). Concurrent working memory task decreases the Stroop interference effect as indexed by the decreased theta oscillations. Neuroscience, 262, 92-106.

23.  徐雷,王丽君,赵远方,谭金凤,& 陈安涛.阈下奖励调节认知控制的权衡.(2014).心理学报,464),459-466.

24.  谭金凤,伍姗姗,徐雷,王丽君,& 陈安涛.前额叶皮层在“一心二用”加工过程中的作用. 2013.心理科学进展,2112),2127-2135.

25.  谭金凤,伍姗姗,王小影,王丽君,赵远方,& 陈安涛.2013.奖励驱动的双任务加工过程中的分离脑机制:来自ERP的证据. 心理学报,45(3), 285-297.

26. 伍姗姗,谭金凤,王丽君,& 陈安涛.2013.阈下语义启动效应影响因素述评. 心理科学进展, 21(4)626-636.




¨ 出版著作






% 荣誉奖励

1. 2021年度荣获优秀科技论文奖二等奖

2. 2021年度荣获河南省高校哲学社科优秀成果奖二等奖

3. 2021年度荣获bevictor伟德官网“2019-2020年度科研优秀奖”

4. 2021年度荣获bevictor伟德官网民生学院优秀毕业论文指导教师荣誉

5. 2020 年度河南省教育科学研究优秀成果一等奖

6. 2017 年撰写的博士毕业论文荣获西南大学优秀博士论文二等奖

7. 2017 年被评为优秀博士毕业生

8. 2016 年荣获国家奖学金

9. 2015-2016 学年荣获西南大学三好研究生荣誉

10. 2014-1015 学年荣获西南大学三好研究生荣誉

11. 2014 年被评为优秀硕士毕业研究生

12. 2012-2013 学年荣获西南大学三好研究生荣誉